Work Health and Safety

Certificate IV in Security Management

8 Achievable Steps to Managing First Aid in the Workplace

Articles, Work Health and Safety
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The requirements for each business will vary depending on the size and nature of the workplace.The following provides some simple guidance to consider managing your first aid:Do you have a well-planned first aid strategy can save lives and reduce the…
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Certificate IV in Security Management

5 Power Tips for Responding to Tenders

Work Health and Safety
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Table of ContentsUnderstand the Requirements of the tender Answer the QuestionCustomise Your ResponseProvide Clear and Concise InformationReview and RefineConclusion  We have been working with several clients over the last few months assisting them with preparing responses to tenders. I thought…
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Collaboration – 6 Steps to Unlocking Success

Articles, Training and Development, Work Health and Safety
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I have been working now for over forty years. Holy shit, where did the time go. Over 20 years in business and 15 years in the police have taught me that collaboration is critical to success. Over the last few…
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Certificate IV in Security Management

Compliance in Australian Business: Understanding Compliance in Organisations Actions vs. State of Being

Articles, Work Health and Safety
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Introduction Compliance in Australian Business landscape is a paramount concern for organizations across diverse industries. However, distinguishing between ‘doing compliance’ and ‘being a compliant organization’ is often confusing. While these concepts may appear similar, they are fundamentally distinct and hold significant…
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Certificate IV in Security Management

Ladder Safety – The 5ive Essentials

Work Health and Safety
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Introduction Managing the risk of falls is critical, especially regarding ladder use. This article aims to provide an insightful overview of the requirements in Section 9 of the Risk of Falls Model Code of Practice (COP), focusing on ladders. The…
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Preventing Falls

Preventing Falls in the Workplace – 4 Essential Strategies

Articles, Work Health and Safety
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Introduction Workplace safety is a critical concern in Australia, and preventing falls is a key component of maintaining a safe work environment. Falls in the workplace can result in serious injuries, long-term disabilities, and even fatalities. In this blog, we…
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Principal Contractor

Principal Contractor 4 Key Duties and Responsiblities – You can’t Hide

Work Health and Safety
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Introduction   A principal contractor is an individual or entity responsible for coordinating and managing health and safety during the construction phase of a project. In Australia, the duties and responsibilities of a principal contractor are outlined in the Work…
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Managing Falls in the workplace

Managing Falls in the Workplace -6 Steps to Protect Workers

Work Health and Safety
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Introduction  Managing Falls in Workplace safety is a top priority for any responsible employer. One of the most common and potentially dangerous hazards in many workplaces is the risk of falls. Falls can result in serious injuries or even fatalities,…
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Understanding the Safe Work Australia’s Code of Practice for Managing the Work Environment and Facilities

Work Health and Safety, Articles
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Introduction  The health and safety of employees is paramount in any workplace. Recognising the need for a comprehensive guideline, Safe Work Australia developed the “Managing the Work Environment and Facilities Code of Practice.” This code aims to provide practical advice…
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The Importance of Leadership Qualities in Small Business Owners: The Strength to Do What is Right

Training and Development, Work Health and Safety
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I have had several discussions with Chief Executive Officers and Owners of Businesses over the last few weeks, challenged with various compliance requirements for their business or the organisation they run. I have reminded a few, particularly those with boards…
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