Inspecting and Testing Electrical Equipment

Inspecting and Testing Electrical Equipment

Inspecting and testing electrical equipment helps determine whether it is electrically safe. Regular visual inspection can identify obvious damage, wear or other conditions that might make electrical equipment unsafe. Many…

Subcontractor Management

Whilst it is the Principal Contractor who is responsible for subcontracting at work, it is also the responsibility of the PCBU to have copies and evidence that the Subcontractors have…

Managing Contractors Introduction

Welcome to September, This months focus is on managing contractors. Many readers would not be aware of what CHD Partners do. We work with small to medium business to protect…

Storing Chemicals in the Workplace

Articles, Factsheets
In November 2018 WorkSafe updated its guidance materials on storing chemicals in the workplace.  The guide outlines some of the common health and safety risks for storing chemicals and provides guidance on…

Breaking Down the Silo’s

Have you heard the saying, “You know what you know, you know what you don’t know but you don’t know what you don’t know”? I was at a meeting recently…

Managing Hazardous Chemicals

What is required to manage the risks associated with hazardous chemicals? Common Hazardous Substance Many industrial, agricultural and medical organisations use hazardous substances. The degree of hazard depends on the…
Certificate IV in Security Management

What is a Safety Data Sheet

A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a document that provides detailed information about a hazardous chemical, including: the identity of the chemical product and its ingredients the hazards of the…

First Aid and Emergency Planning

In the event of a fire or other emergency situation, it is critical that all workers or even customers are aware of how to respond. All workers MUST make themselves…